Dear Valued Stino’s Customer,
We hope that this message finds you well. It has been nearly seven months since we have had the pleasure to serve you at our restaurant. Words cannot express how difficult 2020 has been for millions of people all over the world. As restaurant owners, we, like most in our industry have faced closures, employment constraints and difficult regulations to overcome, that have halted our regular business operation.
Through these unprecedented times, we have been sincerely grateful and fortunate to have our retail business to help push us through. Additionally, we would like to thank you deeply for the support you have shown us with the purchasing of our frozen entrees and pasta sauces.
With many restaurants reopening this summer, we had to make some difficult decisions on whether or not we would do the same. With the completion of lengthy discussions between what little operating staff we managed, it became clear that it would be in our best interest to focus our time, energy and hard work on producing as much of our signature items for retail purchase. We understand that the decision made may not have been a favorable one for some of our customers, but we felt that we needed to keep our best interests in consideration for our family, staff and of course our wonderful patrons.
As the Winter approaches, we are experiencing a hike in our retail business, thanks to you! We have been working a full schedule every week just to try and keep up. With very little residual time left after production runs and the lack of employment that we are and have been experiencing since the Fall of 2019, we have made the tough decision to remain closed for a variety of reasons. To reiterate, we truly care for the health and safety of our family, staff and customers. Furthermore, we believe that going into cold and flu season with the reopening of our doors would be a risk that we are not willing to take at this time.
We hope that you can understand our position, as it is with a heavy heart that we relay this message to you. Over the past 29 years, we have worked tirelessly to serve our great patrons and we intend on continuing that tradition.
Best Regards,
Agostino, Jill and Christian